SCRIPTURE: He that is greedy of gain troubleth his own house; but he that hateth gifts shall live.
Proverbs 15:27

In life, I have realized that greed is one of the major reasons people take the lives of others. Greed is the reason behind kidnapping people for ransom taking. A kidnapper who collects ransom before releasing his captives is making evil money. That ransom he collects is evil money.

All those who make gains from people’s pains, like armed robbers, kidnappers, serial killers, ritual killers, etc., are only waiting for the day of doom. They have rendered many people widows, orphans and childless, all in a bid to make money.

Money made from human trafficking is also evil money. The love of money drives people to do different kinds of evil things.

Ritual killers or those who trade in human body parts are also in this category as they make money at the expense of human lives. That is wicked money. Ritual killing and trading in human body parts is a dangerous, wicked, cruel, evil and devilish way of making money. Money made at the expense of human blood is an abomination, and has no future. Those making such money are doomed in this world and in the world to come.

In Africa and some evil parts of the world, There are places they call baby factories where some street boys are made to impregnate some kidnapped girls in their teens or early twenties. The street boys are made to just impregnate the girls randomly, and then the girls give birth to children. The girls are then paid a paltry sum of money and their children are made available for sale to anyone and for any reason, including ritual purpose. The children are sold to people for different evil purposes.

Beloved, shun greed. Do not indulge in any form of evil practice to make money.

Be contented with what you have and refuse to be greedy.
Shun dubious and evil means of making money. Engage the practice of the covenant, and be diligent in your legitimate pursuit of prosperity.

PRAYER: Lord, I ask that You deliver me from the lifestyle of greed. I receive the grace for the practice of the covenant and the diligent pursuit of legitimate prosperity in Jesus’ Name.

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