SCRIPTURE: But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you. ROMANS 8:7.

Our anchor Scripture reveals that one duty of the Holy Spirit is the continuous supply of life and vitality to the body. The duty of the Holy Spirit is to permanently supply vitality and agility into your system.
This means, when you pray in the spirit, the Spirit of God animates, embodies, revitalizes, vitalizes, and vivifies your mortal bodies. The Holy Spirit irrigates, recharges and renews your mortal bodies.

You see, we live in a very dangerous age of technology. Someone did an experiment some time ago and it revealed how a cell phone that we carry can weaken the human body system. The person revealed the number of brain cells that can be damaged by using the cell phone. He also revealed its effects on the eye and other sensitive parts. He said that people who sleep with phones close to them may battle with sleeping at night.
But I told a friend that God knew they would make mobile phones. He knew there would be many things that would contribute to the destruction of people. No wonder, He made provision in His Word to handle that when He says that if we handle deadly things, it shall not harm us (Mark 16:18).

Beloved, it is very important for you to know that the Holy Spirit is not just for decoration. To speak in tongues or pray in the spirit is to revitalize, animate, embody, rejuvenate, energize, ruggedize your body. If the Spirit of Him that raised up Christ from the dead dwells in you, He that raised up Christ from the dead shall quicken your mortal bodies (Romans 8:11).

Beloved, Make up your mind to always pray in the Holy Ghost always. Reject every negative symptom or sickness in your body.

PRAYER: Lord, I submit myself to the power and influence of the Holy Ghost. I receive the grace to pray abundantly in the Holy Ghost to quicken my mortal body, in Jesus’ Name.

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