SCRIPTURE: Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus. Acts 4:13.

In our world today, it can be clearly seen that a major weapon Satan is using to take people to hell is seduction. We see all kinds of seduction happening everywhere as a means to lure people into sin and damnation.

It is appalling to see that it is not only adults that have or wear seductive clothes; there are seductive baby clothes too. Even our movie industries are not left out. Children are being seduced into thinking that what is bad is now good and what is good is bad through devilish and satanic cartoons etc.

Hollywood particularly has been recruited by satan to corrupt the minds of both adults and children both on the issue of dressing and other morality related matters. Films , movies and cartoons are particularly made to introduce and normalise worldliness to the church . Be careful what you watch. There is a subtle plan from hell to capture your mind without you even knowing it.

Allowing the world to control the wardrobes of Christians will continue to cause more moral and spiritual damage to both present and successive generations of Christians. That is why God wants to anoint Christians to go into the fashion industry and show the world that the garment of dignity pays more than the garment of seduction that will ultimately land people in hell.

The disciples were called Christians first in Antioch because of their behaviour and lifestyle. As a Christian, you are meant to be a light to the world. As a Christian, when people look at you, your appearance and conduct should reflect the character of Christ.

Do not be a temptation to others by your appearance. Refuse to be deceived and enticed by the spirit of seduction.
Let your appearance bring glory to God.

PRAYER: Thank You Lord for Your Word to me today. I ask that You deliver me from the spirit of seduction of this age. Let my appearance glorify You, in Jesus’ Name.

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